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We are proud to be an official Artsmark partner. This lets you know we have been trusted by the Arts Council to help you further develop and embed your arts and cultural provision. This means working together can help you directly achieve your Artsmark goals. The Arts Council’s 7 quality principles are incorporated into the design and delivery of our workshops, resources and CPD. If your education setting hasn't begun its Artsmark journey you can find out more information here.

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The graphic below gives you a breakdown of how working with The Rap School will give you plenty to add into your all important Artsmark evaluation.  We’ve broken it down using the headings used in your Artsmark Self-Assessment. 

Send a booking enquiry now
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Sarah Rance

Year 9 Teacher

Christ The King

Isle of Wight

Rob utterly won over Y9 and especially Y10. His work with our most challenging and disaffected boys was amazing. I had boys beg to attend a workshop - Other members of staff also commented on how inspired they were when they returned to class  Ultimately, despite all their posturing, they are our most sensitive students - they just have no way of expressing their emotions - but I think they do now and in a way that totally works for them and hopefully, we will be able to use their new found interest in words and the power of language in their English studies.


The Rap School’s workshops are for students in Primary, Secondary and Further education as well as those outside of mainstream education and participants in community projects. We also run CPD sessions for education professionals. 






Workshops for primary school are for Year 2 - Year 6. They focus on the foundations of Rhyme, Rhythm and Meaning and challenge students to use all three to develop and perform a new poem or rap.

Workshops for secondary school are for Year 7 - Year 13. They build on the foundations of rap and poetry and ask students to discuss a topic at length and write and perform a new rap or poem on the subject.

CPD sessions are for education professionals who feel they can benefit from learning about an alternative approach to literacy, poetry and language. Sessions focus on authenticity, overcoming performance anxiety and imposter syndrome and building new resources. 

Workshops for the community or other may include projects outside of mainstream education. They may also be for a project outside of education altogether. We will tailor the workshops to match the age range and ability of the participants. 



Workshops are usually delivered by the day. How you design that day is up to you. It may consist of working with one group all day or an assembly followed by a series of shorter workshops with more classes. If you want more than a day’s worth of workshops we are happy to accommodate and can often offer a discounted rate for multiple days bookings. 




We are happy to run performance orientated assemblies for any amount of students but for workshops we find that up to 30 at a time works best. There is no upper limit for CPD sessions. 




The Rap School’s workshops can revolve around a theme or objective and can be tailored to your needs. 

In the past we have delivered sessions focussing on:

Poetic devices

Improving language


Cultural awareness

Performance and confidence building

Target groups (NEET, Gifted Writers)




The workshops are diverse and can work in a classroom, hall or any enclosed space.

Just bear in mind, we will be making a lot of noise!




We charge a day rate and also charge for travel. Drop us a line to discuss your project and the cost involved. 




In all workshops students will have an opportunity to:

Witness a live improvised freestyle rap

Learn what’s inside every rapper’s toolkit

Explore the power of language

Generate new ideas for a theme

Create original lyrics and poems

Perform their work to their group


For longer projects we build on our new skills and this may lead towards the production and recording of full songs.


Our workshops analyse the works of uplifting and empowering artists, and the content we teach is positive and always student-appropriate.


Book your workshop now

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